Iced Coffee: Good or Bad?

On the Internet I’ve noticed that many people ask if drinking iced coffee makes you fat. Statements like “what’s in xxbrand namexx iced coffee that makes chicks blow up?” come up at the top of google searches. Because of this, I thought it made sense to do a little research.

ImageFor one month, I drank a small iced coffee with no whip cream (the same brand I saw in my google search). I drank one Monday – Friday while keeping up with my fitness routine as usual which included (strength training, spinning,  and even two 5k’s).

My results:
I’m sad to announce, this myth is TRUE. Even with my strenuous fitness regimen which includes core training upwards of four times a week I lost definition in my midsection and the ever so seductive “pudge” began to form. Keep in mind, I only drank these once a day, five days a week, for one month and without whip cream or added sugar! CRAZY!

What I’m doing now:
I’m making sure my diet is super clean. The key to a flat stomach or even abs (should that be your goal) is 70% what you eat, 30% what you do, at best, 60%/40%. I’ve also added running at the park for an additional two days a week to my routine and I’ll keep up with my current fitness schedule as is.

I’ll be sure to post about my progress on my journey to undo what iced coffee did.

To answer the question, iced coffee… BAD!

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